Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sights & Smells

I was downtown today and I saw these crocheted bike-rack covers. Pretty crafty, Vancouver. You can read a lot more about it here.

Also, Waterfront Station has an amazing ceiling. That is all.

Wait, no it's not. Captain America has a fragrance. This is a thing.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Pho Sho

I can't decide if I should use this blog to only talk about my experiences in Vancouver, or if I should also be talking about the other goings-on in my life. Oh wait, nevermind I have nothing going on... haha...

But seriously, when I have nothing directly Vancouver related to blog about, I may start blogging about other things (politics, sports, music, movies, etc.) I haven't really decided yet though.

Speaking of which, nothing terribly exciting to report. I did eat Vietnamese food the other night when I was drunk (hence the super-weak title). I've had Pho before, so it isn't really something new or exciting to me, but I guess I would recommend it to other people. Except I always seem to bite my tongue when I eat it for some reason...

Thursday, July 7, 2011

You Wreck Me

I went to Wreck Beach yesterday, which I guess is rather famous for being a "clothing optional" beach. So yes, I saw a lot of boobs, but guess what? Old dudes love to get their junk out a lot more than attractive young women do.

I swam in the ocean for the first time that I know of. Maybe I did when I was younger, but I don't remember. I imagine a lot of the locals will make fun of me for calling the Straight of Georgia "the ocean", but I don't really care. I had fun. It was different than swimming in a lake or a river, I guess because you're swimming in something larger than your mind can really comprehend. It was also a lot colder than I expected, maybe from the mountain runoff.

The only complaint I had was that I got some dirty looks from a few of the people who chose to take their clothes off, which I didn't appreciate. If they want the right to get naked, why can't I have the right to be ridiculously self concious about my body and keep my shirt on when I go to the beach? I'm not some douche that went to the beach to stare at the naked hippies, I'm just fat. Get over it.

Oh yeah and trail to the beach is all stairs, I was pretty out of breath on the return journey. And no, I didn't take pictures. Perv.

Monday, July 4, 2011

This Time

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all your time. - Willem de Kooning

Apologies for the gap between posts. Honestly I haven't been doing anything really exciting lately, do to a severe lack of funds. I did however go out and get royally wasted on Canada day, thanks to some generous friends.
Met some great people and had a blasty-blast trying to win meat. I also tried BBQ squid, which kind of had the texture of biting your own tongue but without the pain. I don't think I'll try that again. Oh yeah, happy belated Canada Day.

Yesterday we went to Lynn Valley on the north shore, which was rather fun. Too many stairs and hills for a fat bastard like me, but I guess that's what you get when you go hiking in the mountains. It was good to get some exercize, and the fresh air was amazing.
Unfortunately we didn't see much wildlife, except for a Spotted Owl. I understand they're endangered, so I guess that's pretty cool.
We were going to cross the scary-assed suspension bridge, but there's only so many people allowed across at one time, and I just couldn't bring myself to stand in line to do something that scares the shit out of me.
I wish I could have brought my camera, because I'm starting to realize the one in my iPhone sucks. But it's hard to justify spending $20 on batteries for my camera when I can barely afford to eat.

I'd like to start making this blog a bit more interesting, for instance when I go to a new restaurant I could do a little review, and maybe get some actually good photos up. It will be nice to have something interesting to say instead of just whining about how poor I am. I realize the blog isn't very exciting, so please just bear with me untill I have something good to say or show you.